Sunday, April 29, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sophie's Training Update

Remember Sophie?  Here's her latest training update!
Work progress:
Pup is class ready, meaning she is ready to be matched with a student. This process could take some time, mean while she will continue to work at maintaining and improving her skills.

Areas for improvement:
Escalators are a challenge that she is working on, as well as confidence and concentration. She can be a little over sensitive.

Positives about the dog:
Wonderful obedience, gorgeous face, loves to give kisses and is great to work with.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hero Dog Awards

I'm lucky enough to know two of the wonderful dogs nominated for this year's Hero Dog Awards.  Winners get money to donate to the charity of their choice.  You can only vote once a day, so I'm alternating my votes between these two hero dogs:

I was Robbie's puppy raiser and had the pleasure of loving him from 6-weeks old until 13-months old.  He is now doing amazing things as a service dog for Joe Roberts.  Read their story and vote for Robbie here.

Rosie the Courthouse Dog is an 11-year old golden retriever.  Rosie's owner is the Executive Director at ECAD and Rosie is the mother of many of our ECAD service dogs.  In addition to being a breeder, Rosie worked as a therapy dog for her entire life.  After her retirement, she was brought back into the work force as New York's first courthouse dog, helping a young rape victim testify in court against her repeated rapist.  Rosie is credited with helping the girl win the case.  Read the story and vote for Rosie here.